Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Shephards Pie

It's weird how feelings can manifest themselves, from one thing to another, and not just good feelings, bad feelings also. How quickly things can turn is quite amazing; whether it be about a certain subject, political allegiance, a person, or everybody's favourite; the opposite sex.
Everyone has that honeymoon period, whether it be in love, sport, music, or making shephards pies.
In love - everyone has experienced the feeling of those first few weeks/months/years in a new exciting relationship where everything is racing. You can't bare to be apart, they are the first thing you think of in the morning, the last thing at night. Unfortunately, routine eventually takes over, which is what leads some people to get into twisted sex games and seek out adventure, but is there really much wrong with routine?
In sport - when a new player arrives, or a coach, or under new management, everybody wants to play well for them. Especially if that particular team is having a rubbish year, it's a new leaf a chance to turn things around and a great opportunity to make the most of it, unfortunately this eventually wears off unless more changes arrive, but even then athletes get old, their skills fade, but won't you always have those memories to look back on with pride.
In music - it's always the latest sensation, when a brand new act bursts on to the scene with a brand new sound taking the world by storm. The haircuts, the fashion trends, the whole world looks at you. Unfortunately this excitement will eventually wear out and everyone is playing the same sound you brought to the table a few years before, the women all start looking the same and the life grows tiresome. But to inspire a generation with music that touches peoples hearts is truly something to hold on to.
In shephards pie - you start cooking it and become really good at it but if you cook it everyday, you'd probably grow tired of its taste. I do love shephards pie though. ;)

Just some random thoughts, keep looking on the bright side of life folks, this world has beauty in it, although it may get stale at times, there is always the reason you were happy in the first place, hold on to that and you'll be happy for the rest of your life.

Monkey Writing

There once was a boy named Harold who had a lot on his plate so he ate it, and then he fancied something to drink, the problem was is that it never really panned out that way.
You see Harold couldn't find the drink that he was so desperately after, someone must have drunk it he thought. This made Harold angry so he decided to go in search of whoever drunk his favourite drink.
He went upstairs and asked Henry. Henry assured Harold that it was not him as he doesn't even know what his favourite drink is, to which Harold replied "well how do you know you didn't drink it, if you don't know what my favourite drink is to begin with?".
Henry said, "you have a point there Harold, maybe I did drink it, but if I did it was by accident so what are you going to do about it?"
At this point Harold got a pen from Henry's desk and stabbed him in the face.
The end

Tuesday, 30 March 2010


Working for a major corporation is like being in a CRUFTs competition; Jump through this hoop, walk this line, sit, beg, then we might give a treat.
Nearly everybody has been in the position of doing something where the reward may not always be worth it. Ultimately I can't complain because never will I earn money this easy again, but I do have good knowledge that it happens in any major company, we are the puppets they are the master. Even for those people who are lucky enough to own their own small business that they live comfortably off, they still have to report to the tax man, Union officials, and essentially have to meet the demands of those who own a slightly bigger company. Herein is where the problem lies.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the socialist regime and even parts of a capitalist program, never in my life do I want to be ruled by communism but on paper it doesn't look that bad does it?
Everyone working for each other, helping one another out, you scratch my back - I'll scratch yours attitude. Why can't people just live? Why is it that we need to report to 'the man' that we have to pay the powers that be to continue to be the powers that be when quite frankly the powers that be can occasionally be assholes.

Now, I 'm a fairly laid back guy, some people call it lazy but I choose to take the less pessimistic approach (it's not like it takes any extra effort), so I am willing to let things slide. Life can pass me by and if I get shouted at told off, then I'll make some sort of effort to settle problems but if I quickly realise some people just aren't worth bothering over I won't bother. There is the odd moment inside of me though that when another one of my fellow puppets occasionally pulls back on that string when the master may do an incorrect movement and I think 'damnit you're right'.
Like I said quite frankly I don't give too much of a damn if I know I'm right and someone tells me off for making the smallest insignificant problem but occasionally I want to shout back as well and let the puppeteer what an ass he is being, so I do admire those people who give it a go.

Unfortunately this world will never go back to the state of friendly back scratchers so those people at the bottom of the heap like you and I, just have to look out for each other and hopefully the dog owner will feed us the odd treat or two.
Until then we've always got bureaucracy.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Your step by step guide to utter relaxation

Turn on the hob
Put some water in the saucepan
Place the saucepan on the moderately warm hob
Grab a mug
Grab a tea bag
Open the fridge, get the milk
Open the cupboard, get the sugar
Put tea bag in mug
Search the apartment for a clean spoon
I've been looking for this sock
Put the sock in the washing machine
Take on me, take me on
Wash the crud off the spoon
Hmm, need some new washing up liquid
Water is starting to boil
Grab the oven gloves
Pour contents of saucepan into mug
Replace saucepan, turn off hob
Use the spoon to squeeze the tea bag and stir
Remove tea bag, place it on top of the pile that was once a bin
Add some milk
Add one sugar, stir
Stir the opposite direction
Stir in the original direction
Tap the spoon on the mug twice and dump it in the sink
Take mug to couch and sit

Get up and grab biscuits
Return to couch

Typical Conversations with tourists; make it your checklist!

Tourist: What did you study?
Me: Creative Writing with Drama
Tourist: Drama? (chuckles) I thought so
Me: (fake chuckle) Yeah

Tourist: Where are you from?
Me: Wales.
Tourist: Oh...
Me: It's in Britain
Tourist: Ooooohhhhhh right I know

Me: So where are you from?
Tourist: The US
Me: (wow that American accent really threw me off, how f*&@ing stupid do you think I am asshole? the US is a big f*&@ing place, you wanna be a little more specific?) Oh cool which part?

Tourist: So what do you do here?
Me: (are you serious?) I'm a tour guide
Tourist: You don't study or anything?
Me: Nope just a tour guide
Tourist: (interesting career choice)

Me: How long have you been traveling for?
Tourist: 3 months now
Me: Cool where else have you been?
Tourist: Well I've been to London, Paris, Amsterdam...
Me: Oh cool
Tourist: Munich, Berlin
Me: Nice
Tourist: But next we're going to...
Me: (I wonder what bagel I'll have today)
Tourist: ...Krakow...
Me: (I haven't had the Caprese one in a while) Oh cool
Tourist: ...Bratislava...
Me: (Wow that girl across the street is pretty) Nice I wanna go there
Tourist: ...Budapest...
Me: (Should I go out tonight?) Oh I hear that's split into two like, Buda and Pest
Tourist: Yeah that's what I heard, I can't wait to go there
Me: (la di da di dooby doo)

... more to come
Ciao for now

The first sign of insanity is talking to yourself

Hello how are you?
Oh I'm ok how's things, long time no write.
Yeah I know been busy recently... well I say busy, I've been drunk a lot and not had time for such internet escapades.
That's Ok, it's good to see you so have you just been getting drunk or doing anything more exciting?
How's work?
Picking up actually, the weather is tolerable, as are the tourists and money is improving.
Good good I'm glad to hear it.
How about you is there anything new going on in your life?
Lots! but you know how it is, tourists in and out, friends coming and going, some in America, some coming back from America, others busy with people, me being busy with other people etc, wish I had more time for everyone I wanna see tbh but this life is a hectic one
True that, anyway I better go man catch up with you later.
Yeah definitely I'll give you a post in a bit.
Cool, ciao

Thursday, 11 March 2010

The ballet

The female glides with grace and beauty
The male with power and prowess
They remain in sync through each rise and fall
at one with each caress
The dancers move to another stage
to change their form
The female lifts the male high
to break from the norm
Another leap another pirouette
A performance of which no one will forget

Monday, 8 March 2010

Movie Review: Up in the Air

I don't normally do this sort of thing, or at least I doubt I'll do it too often on this blog but I watched 'Up in the Air' the other day and wanted to write about it. Enjoy:

A life of freedom, a life of floating aimlessly through the sky with nothing holding you back. It sounds like a dream to some people and increasingly more with the younger generation.

A life of loneliness, a life that leads nowhere with no place to actually call your home. That is the reality.

Up in the Air tells the story on Ryan Bingham (Clooney) who has made his living flying from state to state firing people, he’s good at it and due to his lifestyle he has nothing really holding him back, he even sidelines as a motivational speaker offering advice on how important it is to have no one relying on you. His only dream is to reach 10 million air miles saved from flying so often.

The story follows a classic tale of a single man enjoying life only to find a woman along the way of whom will change his whole life. Alex Goran (Vera Farmiga) is a frequent flyer also and spends a lot of time in hotels – not as much as Bingham but enough that they are able to meet up on the road for casual moments.

There is also the story of Natalie Keener, which introduces us to the beautiful Anna Kendrick, a young upstart who has taken the same job as Ryan Bingham, a position she is overqualified for but makes the sacrifice for love.

Bingham’s perfect life of solitude and freedom is interrupted when his boss Craig Gregory – with Jason Bateman playing his usual role of office manager to perfection – lets Ryan know that this young bright spot for the company will be shadowing him to learn the tricks of the trade. The two are polar opposites in personality which creates dramatic, awkward, and sometimes hilarious moments as the two attempt to co-exist on the road together, with it’s toll clearly being taken on Natalie.

The three characters find themselves all at one hotel in Miami when Natalie’s boyfriend breaks up with her out of the blue they all begin to bond as a unit and Bingham discovers that his fancy in Alex begins to blossom even though he discovers she is interested in children and marriage. This becomes clear to Natalie and she confronts Ryan about it

He decides to take that next big scary step and invites Alex to his sisters wedding – it is here Ryan has to reverse his entire life’s philosophy to make sure his sister’s husband to be follows through with the marriage and at his next motivational speech he can’t finish and runs to the airport to fly to Chicago to surprise his new found love.

When he arrives she is at home with her children, and husband, Ryan understands that he has just been an affair all along.

The movie ends with Natalie’s story becoming the happy one, and Ryan’s coming full circle, he returns to the air to what is his true life and attains that 10 million goal he set himself, it hurts but he has achieved it, the rest of his life can now begin being put together.

The film touches some truly emotional peaks and Ryan’s story, while disappointing that he didn’t get the girl of his dreams does mean that he has learnt a lesson, Natalie’s life however is only just beginning and she finds to dream job in another city – she gains that freedom Ryan finally wants to get rid of, and Alex returns to her family.

The aerial shots of each city are fantastic and the production in to each location has been wonderfully put together, even though one or two of the camera angles and movements may be questionable the film as a whole hits a chord that is so rarely hit in modern cinema, it tells the story. The narrative is the most important bit and the audience becomes emotionally invested by each personality trait that each of the characters hold, there is a little bit of everyone in them.

Up in the Air is safely in the category of Film of the Year award, while it may not win it, there is a huge argument for it being so.

4 ½ out of 5

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Where everybody knows your name

  • Green grass everywhere
  • Time to blog
  • You know your neighbors
  • Everyone speaks English - or Welsh
  • Nothing changes
  • Seeing friends
  • Music
  • Pub Quizzes
  • Always seeing someone you know
  • Television
  • Pool tables in every pub
  • Guitar
  • All stories, all things, good and bad

Tuesday, 2 March 2010


I enjoy talking to you above everyone else
Whether we talk on the phone or face to face
I feel at ease when we are talking
Even if our talking doesn't involve speech
When you're talking, your voice is so sweet
Sometimes your talking is just mumbling in your sleep
Our talks sometimes end up being about nothing
But nothing can be said when we're not talking

Monday, 1 March 2010

...where the heart is.

Four days off nothing to do. Ring up my moms tell her what's going on, she says come home, I figure - woop woop!

So with my parents having a tough time of their own and needing a child home they were willing to pay for the last minute flights which worked well for me as I had no money. I was also desperate to go home as I'd basically worked everyday I had free since Christmas, I was tired and the new team leader knew this so she wonderfully gave me a few days off.
The flights were booked at about 7 o clock on Sunday so I had to then run around like a headless chicken trying to sort my life out; pack, sort out my phone with a british sim, print out my boarding pass, confirm my passport details, tidy my apartment but before all this I had to go let Katka cook me some food and go for a pint to watch the Canadians beat the Americans for the gold in Winter Olympics. (Boo ya!).
After watching the first period I decided I did actually have to go sort some stuff out, (turns out I'd miss all the good parts of an awesome game but hey ho) and boy did I need to sort stuff out. I realised that I had to pay rent the next day so text my landlord and let him know I'd pay it as soon as I got back - he wasn't happy so I had to go withdraw money I don't have to go pay him. Ever had a 9000 crown kick in the crotch? It hurts.
It was now close to half eleven and I still hadn't packed.
I threw some pants in an overnight bag and thought feck it.
The internet I was stealing off someone got turned off, I thought about complaining to my next door neighbor but just decided to wake up up early to head to an internet cafe to sort out all my flight information.
Another night off crappy sleep.

Alarm goes off 7.45 - wake up at 8.15.
Sort out my shit get running to bohemia bagel to pick up Ruth's friends cos they're going to the airport as well. After some breakfast and the trip to Letiste Ryzne, the plane began boarding.
Is there a better feeling than coming home? I love being in Prague, I loved being in University but when you are on the last leg of your journey coming home there is something amazing about that feeling. Just to know that you can relax, you don't have to work. I may travel often and live in a different country that I love but my holiday is coming home, and especially when someone is waiting for you when you walk out of that gate at the airport. It just makes you feel special.